Sensory Grounding Activity (SOS)


The point of the Sensory Grounding Activity is to shift one’s attention to the present moment. This is achieved by focusing on a specific object. To do that, this activity guides the participant to taking mental notes of all the different components that make up the specific object. For example, if the object is a pen, a couple mental notes you might take include: What is the texture of the pen like? How heavy is the pen? Are there any unique features of the pen? Essentially you are describing the object in detail to yourself.

This activity is helpful whenever you are having an experience that is overwhelming, or that is absorbing all of your attention. Be sure to check out the other sections of this page for more guidance.

How it Works

1. Object

  • Take a domino, pebble, or other small object (poker chip, bracelet, ring, etc.)
  • Hold the object in your hand (your hand can be in your pocket)
  • Pay attention to the object’s weight. Is it light, is it heavy?
  • Pay attention to the object’s texture. Is it smooth? Is it bumpy? Is it rough?
  • Pay attention to any special features. Can you count the number on the domino by touch? Is there anything else you notice?
  • Pay attention to the object’s temperature. Is it warm? Is it cold? Is it neutral? Does it change over time?

2. Mouth Memory

  • Use a mint, candy, or other strongly flavored item easy to pop in your mouth
  • Focus on the flavor. Is it sweet? Is it sour? Is it salty?
  • Focus on the shape. Is it round? Is it angled? Is it pointy?
  • Focus on the texture. Is it smooth? Is it bumpy? Is it rough? Is it varied?
  • Pay attention to the object’s temperature. Is it warm? Is it cold? Is it neutral? Does it change over time?
  • Pay attention to the way it feels inside your mouth. Is it dissolving? Is it becoming soft?

3. Colors

  • Pay attention to the colors around you
  • Try to identify three distinct different colors
  • Focus on whether there is more than one shade of each color

Audio Instruction

Downloadable Handouts